About Us

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Nature Center Hours

VINS Nature Center
10am to 4pm Daily

Wild Bird Rehab is Open
Accepting Calls Only
802.359.5000 x212
8am to 4pm

Caring for the Natural World

VINS' mission is to motivate individuals and communities to care for the environment through education, research, and avian wildlife rehabilitation.

Our programs and services engage and instill in people of all backgrounds a desire to care for the wildlife and diverse natural habitats they encounter in their daily lives.

We offer relevant environmental education programs for adults, families, and school children; partner with leading conservation organizations to promote environmental science field research; and operate New England’s premier avian wildlife rehabilitation clinic at the Nature Center.

VINS has been a leader in environmental education and wildlife conservation and care since 1972. We are known nationally for innovative natural science curricula and education programs for learners of all ages.

VINS is dedicated to reaching a diverse and varied audience as we move forward to accomplish our mission. We strive to create a diverse and inclusive workforce. We welcome all people and communities and continue to work to ensure that each person and their traditions are treated with respect. And, we acknowledge those who came before and their ties to the land.

Live Raptor Program
Forest Exhibit