Plan Your Day
Artist Exhibition – Owls
MARCH 1 - MAY 31 - Visit the VINS Nature Center and experience the beauty of owls through the artwork of painters Betsy Smith and Diana Clegg Brown. Both artists are inspired by the natural world and wild creatures, including the owls they paint!
Raptors Up Close
Take flight with us on an unforgettable experience! We’ll show you the unique nature of some of the world’s most highly skilled predators – raptors! In this live bird demonstration you’ll gain an up-close view and an in-depth understanding of these majestic birds.
Songbird Aviary Tour
Spend some time in our newest exhibit – the Songbird Aviary! Our docents will familiarize you with this special group of birds and point out the ways you can make a great habitat for these important creatures in your own backyard.
Animal Encounter
Meet an ambassador animal and hear their story while we learn about the adaptations they have that help their species survive in the wild. Join us for a reptile ambassador on Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday, or a raptor ambassador on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday!
Raptor Feeding Time
Join our raptor care-givers for feeding time! Learn about the habits and history of each of the resident raptors at VINS as you watch them enjoy their daily meal.
Hawk on the Walk
What's that shadow moving between the trees? Keep your eye to the sky on the Forest Canopy Walk while our Harris's Hawk is out for a free-flight adventure!
Virtual Owl Friday: Owl Research Institute’s Great Gray Owls and Tree Snags
VINS Nature Center 149 Natures Way, QuecheeAPRIL 14 - For six years the researchers at the Owl Research Institute have been studying Great Gray Owls. Not only are they tracking the population with long-term monitoring of nest sites, they are learning more about what types of trees these owls need, mainly large dead trees. Join us for this virtual event to learn more about this research initiative from owl biologist, Beth Mendelsohn.