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Event Series Birding Meet-ups

Birding Meet-ups

VINS Nature Center 149 Natures Way, Quechee, United States

FEBRUARY 15 - Meet at the VINS Nature Center for these informal gatherings with fellow birders.  The Meet-up may take place at VINS or travel as a group to nearby locations such as Dewey’s Pond or the Quechee Gorge to visit the varied habitats of our area.

Pokémon Go Birding!

FEBRUARY 15 - Professor Oak needs your help to "catch" real-life Pokémon at VINS! Join the Great Backyard Bird Count by photographing birds at our feeders, then report your findings to our team of Pokémon scientists for identification and fun facts. As a reward, you'll receive collectible cards for each species you discover and contribute to real-world bird research!

Winter Wildlife Celebration

FEBRUARY 15 - Vermont's wildlife thrives even in the coldest season! Discover how creatures like songbirds, raptors, reptiles, and reindeer survive the snow with activities like the Great Backyard Bird Count, winter games in the Hawkfly, and an up-close visit from the Vermont Reindeer Farm. Meet the resident VINS wildlife and uncover the wonders of winter, snow or no snow!

Event Series Raptors Up Close

Raptors Up Close

Take flight with us on an unforgettable experience! We’ll show you the unique nature of some of the world’s most highly skilled predators – raptors! In this live bird demonstration you’ll gain an up-close view and an in-depth understanding of these majestic birds.

Event Series Songbird Aviary Tour

Songbird Aviary Tour

Spend some time in our newest exhibit – the Songbird Aviary! Our docents will familiarize you with this special group of birds and point out the ways you can make a great habitat for these important creatures in your own backyard.

Event Series Animal Encounter

Animal Encounter

Meet an ambassador animal and hear their story while we learn about the adaptations they have that help their species survive in the wild. Join us for a reptile ambassador on Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday, or a raptor ambassador on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday!

Event Series Raptors Up Close

Raptors Up Close

Take flight with us on an unforgettable experience! We’ll show you the unique nature of some of the world’s most highly skilled predators – raptors! In this live bird demonstration you’ll gain an up-close view and an in-depth understanding of these majestic birds.

Event Series Songbird Aviary Tour

Songbird Aviary Tour

Spend some time in our newest exhibit – the Songbird Aviary! Our docents will familiarize you with this special group of birds and point out the ways you can make a great habitat for these important creatures in your own backyard.

Event Series Animal Encounter

Animal Encounter

Meet an ambassador animal and hear their story while we learn about the adaptations they have that help their species survive in the wild. Join us for a reptile ambassador on Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday, or a raptor ambassador on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday!