Storylines Advanced: Grades K - 5


Storylines Advanced

Kindergarten - Grade 5


Integral to this program is a planning session with the VINS Science Educator and the classroom teacher to learn how to embed this kind of instruction in your classroom.


This program provides you with a detailed storyline unit that helps you navigate from lesson to lesson within the unit. This allows you to successfully facilitate student-driven instruction.


We support you throughout the unit, including coming to your classroom to co-teach 2-3 lessons within the storyline unit.  Ongoing support is always available as needed.

Program Package

The VINS Science Educator will provide an NGSS aligned Storyline to the classroom teacher. The Storyline is a coherent sequence of lessons, in which each step is driven by students’ questions. VINS Science Educators will co-teach 2-3 of these lessons with the classroom teacher during the unit.

Benefits for Teachers

On-going support from VINS Educators who are certified teachers and have a Master’s in Education.

A Storyline written by VINS Science Educators designed to drive student engagement.

Continued access to teaching resources.

Increase in pedagogical content knowledge.

This program may be further customized based on the needs of the teacher.

Additional Options include:

Additional Lessons

Additional Topics

Lessons at the VINS Nature Center


Advanced Curriculum Support

Each VINS Science Educator has a Master of Education degree, is a Highly Qualified Teacher, and holds a teaching license in Vermont and New Hampshire.