Game Camera Kit
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VINS Nature Center
10am to 4pm Daily
Wild Bird Rehab is Open
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802.359.5000 x212
8am to 4pm
Game Camera Kit
Rental Fee: $50*
This kit comes with all you need to give students an exciting opportunity to see who occupies their schoolyard when all human activity has ended for the day. With a game camera placed in just the right spot, your class will get a glimpse of the activities of common animals found in your local area.
Contents of Kit
The Game Camera Kit includes:
- 1 Game camera
- 1 Game camera mounting strap
- 1 security cable with lock and corresponding key
- 2 SIM cards (1 with case, 1 inside the game camera)
- 1 owners manual
- VINS School Programs information sheets and instructions for use
* A $20 shipping and handling fee applies. The rental fee is waived for teachers participating in VINS School Programs.