Wind Kit
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8am to 4pm
Wind Kit
Rental Fee: $50*
This hands-on engineering opportunity allows students to investigate energy production by wind power. This kit is designed for students to investigate how to efficiently harness the power of the wind to produce electricity. This kit will reinforce the efficiency and practicality of wind power as a renewable resource and will allow your students have a firsthand experience with the production of renewable energy.
Contents of Kit
The Wind Kit includes:
- 1 Multi-meter with cords
- 1 Large Dowell
- ~50 Dowells
- 1 Stand
- 1 PVC Pipe Connector
- 2 Wind turbine generator
- ~10 Wind turbine hubs
- 2 Sets of Alligator Clips
- 1 Instruction Guide
The Wind Kit is aligned with Next Generation Science Standards and Common Core State Standards.
*Shipping and handling fees apply. The rental fee is waived for teachers participating in VINS School Programs.