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Hawkwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry


September 15, 2024 | 11:00 am - 2:30 pm

Hawkwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Sunday, September 15 / 11:00 AM – 2:30 PM
$20 per person
20 person limit

Register today!

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into Hawkwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! Join a VINS educator for this magical event where you can choose your classes and learn all about the real world magic of science!

  • The Sorting Hat (Hawkfly): This Predators of the Sky themed program will feature four raptor species, find out which one suits your house best and learn which bird will make the best messenger for you!
  • Care of Magical Creatures (Neale Pavilion): Learn how the educators care for the magical creatures at VINS, and help create enrichment from some provided supplies. Make sure to brush up on your parseltongue for a scaly animal encounter!
  • Crafts and lunch in the Great Hall (August Pavilion): Butterbeer, Bertie Botts beans, and chocolate frogs galore! enjoy some tasty treats made by our educators while you craft your very own magic wand!
  • Herbology (The Meadow): Search for magical plants to use in your spells in a scavenger hunt, learn about the magical and medicinal uses of these plants as well as how to ID them in the wild
  • Potions (August Pavilion): Mix up a little magic and participate in some hands-on science experiments, prepare to get messy!
  • Astronomy (Neale): Gaze upon galaxies far far away inside of our very own magic crystal ball, the VINS starlab. learn the mythology behind the constellations and how to identify them for yourself in the night sky!

For more information, contact us at 802.359.5000 or info@vinsweb.org.