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Owl Festival

Owl Festival

April 26 | 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Owl Festival
Saturday, April 26 / 9 AM – 5 PM
Ticket Prices TBD

Tickets available starting April 1. Event and registration details coming soon!

Join us for a day of all things owl! Meet live owls that range from Vermont’s forests to habitats all over the world and discover their life stories. Join in a craft inspired by owls, and play games to test your own owl skills. Learn all about the amazing world of owls and how you can help the ones in your backyard.

*VINS Members: No pre-purchase is necessary. Bring your VINS Member ID Card to the Admissions Window upon arrival on Saturday, April 13. As long as you have your Member ID Card in hand, you will be able to bypass the General Admission line. VINS Members without their Member ID Card in hand will have to wait in the General Admission line.

Station Schedule:

9 AM – 3 PM / New England Falconry
Meet falconer Jessica Snyder and the owls of New England Falconry. (Hawkfly)

9 AM – 4 PM: / Southern Vermont Natural History Museum
Visit with the educators of the Southern Vermont Natural History Museum with up close encounters and artifacts to explore. (Popup Corner)

9 AM – 4:30 PM / Owl Games
Can you hear as well as an owl to catch your dinner? Can you find your way home in each habitat? Find out with our fun games that challenge you to test your owl-senses! (Arch)

9 AM – 4:30 PM / Owl Crafts
Craft, color, and create a work of art inspired by your favorite owls. (August Pavilion)

9 AM – 4:30 PM / Raptor Chats
Chat with an educator about our resident owls and the amazing adaptations of their wild counterparts. (Raptor Exhibits)

9 AM – 4:30 PM / Hoot-n-nanny – Whoooo’s that calling?
Think you can recognize owl calls? Or even call like one? Learn about owl calls and how you can help wild owls! (Forest Canopy Walk)

9 AM – 4:30 PM / Owling
Wildlife Photographer Mark Wilson will be autographing, personalizing and offering for sale with his best-selling books Owling and The Snowy Owl Scientist. He and his wife Marcia will have some live owls on hand for you to see up close while chatting at the book table. (Standing Wave)

10 AM – 4 PM / Artist Betsy Smith
Meet local artist Betsy Smith as she draws inspiration from VINS’s resident owl ambassadors to create beautiful artwork. (Raptor Exhibits)

Program Schedule:

9:15 AM – 9:30 AM / Raptor Encounter
Meet a live hawk or falcon up close and learn about their natural history! (Hawkfly)

9:45 AM – 11 AM / Owls Up Close
Join the Wilsons from Eyes on Owls to learn about the diversity of owls that call North America home, delight in Mark Wilson’s exceptional owl photography, and then get to see 6 owls up close! (Neale Pavilion)

10 AM – 10:30 AM / Hawk vs. Owl
What’s the difference between these predators? Uncover the unique adaptations of each as we meet a live owl and a hawk. (Hawkfly)

10:30 AM – 10:50 AM / Activities for Owlets
Come and enjoy owl puppets, songs, feathers and movement. All welcome, suggested for ages up to 5 years. (Indoor Classroom)

10:30 AM – 11:30 AM / Owls of New England
Meet the naturalists from Squam Lakes Natural Science Center and learn about the owls that live in our backyards. (Hawkfly)

11:15 AM – 11:45 AM / Branching Owls Story Time
Come join us for an interactive story time with music and a live bird. All welcome, suggested for ages 5 to 8 years. (Indoor Classroom)

11:30 AM – 12:15 PM / Owls in Flight
Did you know owls fly silently? Come watch them in action and learn about the physics of flight. For the safety and comfort of the owls, the program hall will be closed to latecomers once the program has begun. (Neale Pavilion)

11:30 AM – 12:30 PM / Owls in Myth & Legend
Join Mike Clough from the Southern VT Natural History Museum as he discusses the cultural role of owls with stories and some live owls. (Hawkfly)

12:30 PM – 1:30 PM / Northern Saw-whet Owls with Sean Beckett
Join researcher Sean Beckett from the North Branch Nature Center to highlight recent Northern Saw-whet Owl migration research done here in Vermont and across the nation. See how they capture and study the owls, and learn about what’s been recently discovered about this mysterious little predator. (Neale Pavilion)

12:30 PM – 1:30 PM / Owls of New England
Meet the naturalists from Squam Lakes Natural Science Center and learn about the owls that live in our backyards. (Hawkfly)

1 PM – 1:20 PM / Activities for Owlets
Come and enjoy owl puppets, songs, feathers and movement. All welcome, suggested for ages up to 5 years. (Indoor Classroom)

1:30 PM – 2 PM / Hawk v.s. Owl
What’s the difference between these predators? Uncover the unique adaptations of each as we meet a live owl and a hawk. (Hawkfly)

1:30 PM – 2:45 PM / Owls Up Close
Join the Wilsons from Eyes on Owls to learn about the diversity of owls that call North America home, delight in Mark Wilson’s exceptional owl photography, and then get to see 6 owls up close! (Neale Pavilion)

1:45 PM – 2:15 PM / Branching Owls Story Time
Come join us for an interactive story time with music and a live bird. All welcome, suggested for ages 5 to 8 years. (Indoor Classroom)

2 PM – 3 PM / Owls in Myth & Legend
Join Mike Clough from the Southern VT Natural History Museum as he discusses the cultural role of owls using live owls and storytelling. (Hawkfly)

3:15 PM – 4 PM / Owls in Flight
Did you know owls fly silently? Come watch them in action and learn about the physics of flight. For the safety and comfort of the owls, the program hall will be closed to latecomers once the program has begun. (Neale Pavilion)

3:15 PM – 3:30 PM / Raptor Encounter
Meet a live hawk or falcon up close and learn about their natural history! (Hawkfly)

4 PM – 4:15 PM / Hawk on the Walk
Explore the Forest Canopy Walk and watch as one of our Harris’s Hawks glides through the trees. Weather permitting. (Forest Canopy Walk)

For more information, contact us at 802.359.5000 or info@vinsweb.org.