Raptor Biology

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Raptors have an array of adaptations specific to the order, genus and even species that heighten their ability to survive and reproduce. During this field trip, students will get a closer look at the characteristics that differentiate hawks from falcons from eagles from owls and how these varying traits make them well adapted to their specific habitat. Through a live raptor encounter and activities, students will walk away with a better understanding of raptors and the key differences that make them successful in their particular niche.

MS-LS4-2. HS-LS4-2. HS-LS4-2. HS-LS4-4. HS-LS2-8.

Your field trip includes an 45-60 minute guided program, including an introduction to the topic of Raptor Biology, an in-depth discussion and investigation and a chance for students to reflect upon what they’ve learned. In addition to your guided lesson you will have the opportunity to experience a live bird presentation, visit our trails and exhibits, and enjoy lunch on our grounds.

Grades 6-12; Adjustments can be made to fit the needs of any class.

All VINS educators have extensive experience in environmental education, the natural sciences, and science instruction. Every instructor works with a certified teacher in NH and VT to ensure their content and methods align with the Next Generation Science Standards and the best practices for outdoor education. All instructors are First Aid and CPR certified.


Enhancing Classroom Curriculum with On-Site, Place-Based Education

Explore the natural world with hands-on lessons aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards.