VINS Nature Center
VINS Nature Center
149 Natures Way
Quechee, VT 05059
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Jim Armbruster
Research Coordinator
The Vermont Institute of Natural Science (VINS) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, member supported, environmental education, research and avian rehabilitation organization headquartered at the VINS Nature Center in Quechee, Vermont. Open year-round, the 47-acre campus, adjacent to Quechee State Park, features nature trails, exhibit spaces including the Forest Canopy Walk, observation platform, outdoor classroom and 17 state-of-the-art raptor enclosures. The campus' trails and paths wind visitors through a floodplain forest, along the Ottauquechee River, and through an upland meadow.
VINS places a priority on making high-quality, compelling, and fun environmental education programs and learning opportunities accessible to people and communities.