Collect the following materials:
- Index Cards/ Cardboard
- Tin Foil
- Popsicle Sticks
- Cotton Balls
- Toy Animals or Print off animal pictures
- Or any other materials that may be useful and crafty
Read Story:
- Read or listen to Story “Over and Under the Snow” By Kate Messner.
What to do:
- Use the hibernation chart to sort animals into two categories, hibernate or do not hibernate (for answers see below).
- Think about some of these questions, and discuss them with a friend or adult
- Why do some animals hibernate and others not?
- What does hibernation look like for bears? Do they sleep all winter or wake up intermittently?
- Where do animals store their food or don’t when they hibernate?
- Create an animal home.
- Use materials listed above to create a home for the animals talked about in the story.
- Think about the story. Where would you find an animal home?
- Where would a bear or a bird sleep?
- Take a picture and share your creation on VINS facebook!
Caregiver Resources:
Do I Hibernate?
Yes | No |
Contact education@vinsweb.org with questions or comments.