Moth Camouflage Kit

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10am to 4pm Daily

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802.359.5000 x212
8am to 4pm

Moth Camouflage Kit

Rental Fee: $50*

Why do some members of a species survive and not others? Students will play a game where they pretend to be a bird and they have to collect moths to eat. The moths will be three different colors and will be placed on three different backgrounds. Each colored moth will be found on each of the different backgrounds and students will have a certain amount of time to collect all varieties of moths from each. Students will collect data during moth collection, analyze class data as a whole group and will write an evidence statement to explain why certain colored moths were able to be collected more often on a certain background. Students will work in groups for this activity and can have an opportunity to collect moths from each of the different colored backgrounds. All materials included – introduction pictures, moth shapes, background sheets, and student worksheet.

The Moth Camouflage Kit includes:

  • Moth camouflage activity sheet
  • Fabric moths
  • Camouflage pictures

The Moth Camouflage Kit is aligned with Next Generation Science Standards and Common Core State Standards.

Reserve Kit

*Shipping and handling fees apply. The rental fee is waived for teachers participating in VINS School Programs.