
Map-It! Create a map of your home, property, neighborhood, or close-by space that you can walk to safely.
- Blank piece of paper
- Hard surface to write on, such as a clipboard
- Pencil
- Colored pencils (optional)
What to do:
- Decide what area you will map.
- Walk around the space outside and draw each thing you find along the way.
- Buildings like a house or apartment, parking areas, sidewalks (human features)
- Trees, water (natural features)
- You can use shapes to identify features such as trees), and more
- You’ll want to draw the things that will not move (like a car or a bird) on your map!
- Once you have your map, try to add additional elements such as
- Compass rose — see if you can figure out what direction is North, South, East and West (try this method)
- Key — Create a key so you can identify the shapes for each object
- Determine the scale — does one inch = one foot? See if you can figure it out!
- Add color and other details to your map.
Check out these examples below to see what others have done!

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