Sunlight and Shades of Green
Sunlight and Shades of Green (Adapted lesson of Project Learning Tree): test what happens when you block 4 days of sunlight from the leaves of a tree or shrub.
- Small scraps of cardboard
- Several large paper clips
Doing the Activity:
- Cut out several circles or squares of cardboard, be sure they are big enough to make a good sized “patch” on a leaf of a tree, shrub, or plant
- Go outside and with a paper clip, attach your piece of cardboard to several leaves of a plant or tree. If there are not leaves out yet, you can cover a patch of grass, or an evergreen tree that is exposed to the sun!
- After four days, remove the piece of cardboard and closely observe the part of the plant that the sunlight was blocked.
- In your science journal, or on a piece of paper, write down you observations and think about the following;
- What caused the spot to appear on the leaf?
- Have you ever seen this happen before?
- How are leaves important to plants, and how might sunlight affect plant leaves?
- Create, by drawing or writing, a model of photosynthesis. Consider the following when creating your drawing.
- What different parts of a tree or plant work together in photosynthesis?
- What would happen if the sun stopped shining?
- Does photosynthesis take place at night?
Contact with questions or comments.