Build a Nature Mandala


Summer Solstice Celebration:  Build a Nature Mandala — What aspects of nature will you include as a part of your nature mandala?

Read Aloud: 

Outside Your Window by Nicola Davies


  • Natural materials you find outside
  • Camera (optional)
  • An adult or someone in your family to help

What to do:

  • Celebrate the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year by creating a nature mandala.
  • A mandala is a circular structure with a design that radiates out symmetrically from a unifying center.
  • Head outside on a walk and see if you can find mandalas that occur naturally in nature.  You might find this pattern on flowers, tree rings, spider webs, among others.
  • Next, gather materials that you would like to make your own mandala with.  These materials could be things like pine cones, flower petals, blades of grass, stones and anything else that you can find!
  • Then, find a special place that you would like to build your mandala.
  • Start by placing one of your materials in the center and build from the center, radiating outwards from here.
  • Take a picture when you are finished and share it to spread joy to others!
  • You may want to cover your mandala to protect it from the weather, or you can leave it as is.
  • Post pictures of your nature mandala on Facebook and tag us @VINS.VT!

Resource for parents:

Outdoor Classrooms — Examples of mandalas

Contact with questions or comments.