- All
- Grades 4 - 12
- Grades K - 5
- Pre K
- Virtual
Video Investigation: Wildflower Walk
Journey through multiple habitats and learn how to identify wildflowers.
Investigating the Night Sky
What do you notice about the night sky at different times of the year?
Make your own Play Dough
What can you build with homemade play dough?
Investigating Vermont Landscapes
See what types of environmental changes happened on the land around where you live.
Facebook Live: Migratory Raptor Encounter
Meet a migratory raptor and ask questions in real time.
Backyard BioBlitz
Find and Identify as many species in a specific area.
VINS Facebook Live: Owl Encounter
Tune into the VINS Facebook Live for an owl encounter.
Problem Solving with Sound
How can sound move through different types of materials?
Video Investigation: VINS Raptor Training
Watch how VINS Environmental Educators train our raptor ambassadors.
Outdoor Learning Resources
Education resources for outdoor learning this fall.
Winter Outdoor Learning Resources
Outdoor actives for learning at home this winter.
VINS Facebook Live: Reptile Encounter
Join us for a Facebook Live Encounter with a reptile at VINS.